Jonah Richard

Monday, April 09, 2007

Holy Week...Lots of Visitors

Our little peapod.

He looks like a grumpy little man in his Sunday best.

Winnie-the-Pooh Reader's Theater:
Neal as Winnie-the-Pooh
Noah as Piglet
Denise as Christopher Robin

Watching the umbilical cord fall off.

Fairy God-Mother Denise

Shirley is not going into obstetrics or pediatrics...but she'll be a great doctor for adults!

Jenni was also cautious to hold Jonah.

In this picture, Jonah is wearing Winnie-the-Pooh pajamas that were a gift to his dad when he was a newborn. Noah could fit in them only during the few days between his birth and gaining back his birthweight! We're reading Winne-the-Pooh in this picture, another hand-me-down from dad.

With Tia Betina and Jeremy

With Auntie Nomes

Who does Jonah look like? Noah? Megan? Bethany? Neal?

Monday, April 02, 2007

Second Week

Reading the Banner with Dad