Our little peapod.
He looks like a grumpy little man in his Sunday best.
Winnie-the-Pooh Reader's Theater:
Neal as Winnie-the-Pooh
Noah as Piglet
Denise as Christopher Robin
Watching the umbilical cord fall off.
Fairy God-Mother Denise
Shirley is not going into obstetrics or pediatrics...but she'll be a great doctor for adults!
Jenni was also cautious to hold Jonah.
In this picture, Jonah is wearing Winnie-the-Pooh pajamas that were a gift to his dad when he was a newborn. Noah could fit in them only during the few days between his birth and gaining back his birthweight! We're reading Winne-the-Pooh in this picture, another hand-me-down from dad.
With Tia Betina and Jeremy
With Auntie Nomes
Who does Jonah look like? Noah? Megan? Bethany? Neal?